
Age 31, Male

I forgot

University of Lucifer

Long Island, NY

Joined on 11/16/05

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I don't think you can say that everyone is like that. Every person is different. You can't expect people to react like that. In fact, you can't expect anything from them.

I didn't mean everyone, I meant most people. I dunno man. I'm very frustrated at my social life, I feel like people just can't accept me. Everything seems to suck after high school.

like what angry computer said not everyones the same! there are some awesome people out there who arent too selfish... i mean i try my best to help everyone i can... even if it gets me, killed! im far from selfish. although i agree i hate people who are too cocky about themselves and act like they rule the damn world.

People like you are awesome. What I had also told angrycomputer I will tell you - I didn't mean to make it seem like everyone was this way, but it just seems like most people are. Meh, my head is all over the place, I really don't think about things the right way...

Are you in college? If you are, I'd say that you need to get drunk more. If you graduated high school and ur not in school anymore, welcome to the fucking real world, my friend. You're at par for the course. Why the fuck do you think real friends are so fuckin important?

Yes, I'm in college, and no I don't drink. I don't need to poison myself and ruin my physique just for the sake of being more outgoing. I do think real friends are important, yes. I'd actually like to have a social life.

agree with u it's a hateful world , deal with it



@SenatorJohnDean Why do you think you can solve this problem with liquid?


Maybe your standards for the human race are too high.

I don't expect everyone to be nice, but the majority of people are selfish assholes. And believe me, at this point I expect everyone I come across to suck.

I think of myself as selfish, in a good way. I see nothing wrong with it. I take care of myself first. I really don't see how you can take care of others if you don't take care of yourself first. I'm also very caring and helpful and respectful. My work has consisted of working with autistic children and small children so I definitely am giving and caring.
I think there are lots of shitty people but also lots of really good people out there.

We are all selfish in one way or another, it's the natural human tendency. I just don't believe in being selfish and being mean to others in the process because people don't give a shit so much that other people come last.

And yeah I think I gotta look out for the nicer people and stop generalizing so much...

I've had an opposite experience with people lately; every act of kindness or friendliness on my part has been for the most part returned by almost every person, friend or stranger, who I have interacted with. I don't know why people have seemed so nice lately, seeing as how not too long ago my general feelings about people nearly mirrored yours. Maybe it's because I'm growing my hair out..

Interesting, I had hair down to the bottom of my chest a few months ago and once I shaved it people starting hating me. Maybe I'm superstitious, I dunno. I guess it must be normal for people in college to look at each other with blood in their eyes. IT'S A PRISON A TELL YOU


great band

Maybe you're projecting how much you suck on other people?

True, I guess it pisses people off when they know I don't suck at all in any way