So I was at the park playing tennis with my friend and my brother, and then this asshole walks by and says, "Wow. What a gay sport." So I tell him "Your mom's a gay sport." So he starts walking up to me saying "YOU WANNA SAY THAT TO MY FACE, ASSHOLE??". So I look at him and say, "Your. Mom. Gay sport." So he trys to throw a punch at me and I dodge it(obviously saw it coming), I kicked him in the balls and whacked him in the head with my racquet.
He fell unconcious, so I packed my shit real fast and got out of there. Lol. No witnesses, thank god, but some guy might walk past the courts and see a dead Indian laying there.
In addition, here's a picture of my cock:
Did kicking him in the balls or hitting him with the tennis racket knock him unconscious? And your cock is beautiful.
Hitting him in the head.
And thank you, I love my cock as well.