
Age 31, Male

I forgot

University of Lucifer

Long Island, NY

Joined on 11/16/05

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Posted by mothballs - September 30th, 2011

I've been pretty depressed for the past couple of weeks, mainly because my brother is out dating and getting his dick sucked by hot girls while I'm behind my television screen raging at Battlefield 3 (yes, it's jealousy). I mean, it wouldn't bother me if he was a nice guy (like he used to be), but once he changed he's a complete douchebag. I lost my best friend.

Usually listening to music helps cheer me up. But not for this situation. I truly feel like a loser, a born fucking loser. I mean, I always did, but not as bad as this.

Discuss, or don't I guess.


Bro, I know how you feel with the born loser. Trust me. But still, life's there for you to live it. Jealousy, hate, love, compassion, blah, blah, blah. It's all part of a packaged deal. Some of us are lucky to get a little bit of everything. Walk on the less shitty-side of life every now and again though, it helps. It really does (=

Thanks man. I have been trying to be optimistic for a while. But when things get really bad, it's very hard to. I will hopefully regain some confidence.

I feel the same way, I feel really lonely and it sucks a lot. Hopefully things get better, that's what they keep telling me but I'm finding it harder and harder to believe as time goes by. :(

Yeah. If you are 16 like your profile says, it's true that it gets pretty bad (or might be at its worst) at that time. I just had my epiphany now. As I've heard, it gets a whole lot better once you get to college. High school is rough, it really is.

I know loneliness, and trust me, it happens to the best of us, not just losers. I don't think you're a loser.

Thanks man, I suppose we all feel that way at times. But this time, it was too much to take. You know, I have a thing for Spanish girls. My brother comes home the other day with a hot Spanish girl, starts making out with her right in front of me, then goes in his room with her to do other things.

I was absolutely crushed, and I still am.

Star fruit doesn't suck! You suck!

I kinda feel the same when I see some of my friends and it looks like they have their life all figured out.

You're not a loser, silly. It'll get better once you go to college, especially if you move away to some place where nobody knows you so you can get a fresh start. I know that helped me.

That is true as well, thank you. I always wondered if it's the place I'm at, or my reputation in high school. But they say it gets easier once you go to college. I know that's what I want to do.

Maaan you're 17, that's not an age to be depressed (or, now that I think of it, most people seem to go by a depression phase around that age... whatever), cheer up, do something about it, go meet people, exorcize, start doing some kind of activity you like, whatever man.
And yes, I've been in that situation, since I used to be a socially awkward guy who sit in front of his TV screaming at call of duty, while my best friend was the most popular guy at school, dating 2 girls a week, and every time he bragged about it, I simply said "Awesome man, good for you".
I was pretty sad about it, so I started being nicer to people, less "mysterious" and more cheerful and stuff. I can't say I'm a lady killer now, but much more girls started notcing me, and I got some really cool friends.
Hope it works out for you, as long as you do something about it, you're not a loser.

Thanks man, yeah I've been trying. I have to make very critical decisions at the moment though, so I'll see how it turns out I guess.

start fucking his girlfriends behind his back and smoking reefer


Dude, I've been through the whole depression thing, so I know how you must feel.
Stay strong.
Pm me if you need someone to talk too.
Who better than someone who's been there themselves eh?

alright man, thanks. Unfortunately things are getting worse since I made this newspost, But if I have any questions I'll ask.



Try fapping bro.

That's a 15 minute a day activity, not a solution to happiness.

I'll discuss it, even though you are better.

Have you ever thought to become emo? They say one pain takes you mind off another...