I'm fucking sick and tired of this community.
Mods get to do whatever they want, whenever they want. For example, I posted a picture of a hot girl showing her ass one time in a thread (pic below), and got banned for it, supposedly because it's "NSFW". Then, another mod posts a picture of the SAME sort of thing, but probably worse, in another thread, and of course doesn't get penalized for it. Here's that thread, check out the third post:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/12 55700
Now, I made a couple of posts on the second page of that thread, ranting over the situation. What happens? I get banned for it. For what? Insulting a moderator, that's what. The moderator that I insulted (Malachy) has insulted me like crazy in the past in his ban messages. What gives the moderators a right to break the rules? They're supposed to enforce the rules and not be hypocritical about it.
The way this community is run is disorganized as shit, and I think if Wade or Tom opened their eyes and saw what was going on, they'd do something about it. But the truth is, nobody gives a flying fuck about the forums. I really wonder why I do too. It's a disorganized piece of garbage, and I think that Tom, Wade or Stamper didn't do a very good job of finding people to give moderation jobs to.
I mean, look at it this way. These moderators act like they're fucking 12 years old, and they'll ban you whenever they feel like it. To be honest, people insult mods all the time, especially in those "Worst Mod" threads, and I've never heard of anyone being banned for it. You can insult other users, but not mods. Mods can insult other users, but that's fine.
I am using this news post to describe my hated for this site's forum moderators. EyeLovePoozy is a perfect example of a kid that never grew up, and Malachy is a perfect example of a kid that was picked on all his life, so he likes to get back at people by banning them and insulting them. The administrators of this site are smart people, but unfortunately are blind as to what's going on in the forums. These mods won't get banned. Nothing will happen to them, even if they decide to ban every single user and delete every single thread because they're drunk and thought it was funny.
And any comments to this news post such as "stop bitching" or "u mad bro" will be deleted. I only want comments that are going to respond maturely to this post and answer any questions that I have about the security of this site. I don't want a bunch of 11 year old faggots to come on here defending mods and kissing their asses because they feel loyal to the community doing so.
EDIT: Wow, look, how professional of a moderator!
Now, here's the picture I posted that got me banned due to it being "NSFW":